My French student got French job in Kuwait

Je suis fier de mon étudiant français M. Sameer qui a rejoint le cours de français pendant le mouvement de séparation Telangana. Il est l'un des meilleurs étudiants qui a appris le français rapidement et a décroché un emploi au Koweït. Il était un étudiant régulier. À la fin du cours, il a soudainement disparu sans dire un mot. Après quelques mois, il est apparu et m'a annoncé qu'il avait obtenu un emploi français au Koweït. J'ai été surpris. Je suis très heureux que le français que je lui ai appris l'ait aidé à trouver un emploi dans un pays étranger

My French student got a French job in koweit

I am proud of my french student Mr. Sameer who joined french course during Telangana separation movement.   He is one of the best students who learned french fast and won a job in Kuwait. He was a regular student. At the end of the course suddenly he disappeared without telling a word. After a few months he appeared and told me the news that he has got French job in Kuwait. I was surprised. I am very happy that the French I taught him helped him get a job in a foreign country


  1. Sir i'm absorb u as very nearly......That is u r very struggle to change our education system.But our people & Schools Managements r having money minded sir.......

  2. Very nice and innovative thought sir

  3. Great blog Sir! It is absolutely true that the students of our city are quite out of luck and as you have stated, the foundation is quite often the problem..Great blog and great article too sir..Very informative as well.
    Thanks for sharing!
    God Bless~!

  4. this article is not only good but also very innovative idea sir
    ....which takes our educational system to peaks if it is follwed .

  5. Many people dont know the opportunities in foreign languages. I am regularly following your blog. I feel proud to have such type of classes in a.p. especially in Vijayawada. Gteat job sir

  6. Greatest opportunity for youth for getting good jobs in abroad. T.q very much sir

  7. We are lucky to have this kind of learning centre and especially having person like YOU who is dedicated in developing others carers. Unfortunately, the unlucky thing is the environment (system) around us is not much supportable .

  8. really very good opportunity sir,
    i want to learn Spanish sir

  9. yes sir, learning languages is like a habit ... then improve your communication with other countries ..

  10. This blog is looking very it's information too

  11. Wonderfully put sir.. u just nailed the importance of foreign languages..
    main thing is peole would grow broad minded after being exposed to differnt languages, literature and cultures..
    career wise too.. they add an edge to our resume..
    hope the scenario of indian education changes into a productive oriented one from for marks, so that peolpe know the value of what they do and what they can contribute to society...!
    keep up the good work sir.. u r an inspiration for all who simply sit back n complain about follies in the system...!

  12. I dont know about all those people who are ambitious about to study in abroad and are willing to learn different foreign languages, but myself, want to learn french from Mr.Poola Bala is to know about different cultures,history and many more. You know what? Mr. Poola Bala is so good at teaching these foreign languages. I feel myself, that i am really in that world in which he describes about things while teaching. The way he motivates students is awesome... Frankly speaking he is not teaching foreign languages for the sake of money, but he is teaching these languages as it his passion.. I hope each and every student and parent will realize the importance of these foreign languages in this global economy.
    Any ways Mr. Poola Bala is doing a great job in teaching these foreign languages and developing skills in students and taking an active part in shaping their lives...
    Sincerely, with great honor and respect, I thank you for being teacher of mine and various.....


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